Karen S. Brehm
Of Counsel
1201 North Market Street
Suite 1100
Wilmington, DE 19801
P (302) 425-5177 Fax (302) 425-0180
practice areas

Karen Brehm is the firm’s risk management coordinator in national toxic tort litigation with an emphasis on litigation analysis.
Karen has practiced mass tort litigation for over 20 years on the national level. She serves as a critical link between clients and the national litigation network that the firm has established. Karen has developed and implemented strategies for a large number of toxic tort substances including asbestos, silica, and benzene, which include non-traditional approaches to client issues. She monitors local counsel activities to ensure implementation of client strategies and achievement of goals. Karen has been instrumental in the continued development of the firm’s advanced litigation management technology. She is involved in mass tort practice from initial service of process to resolution, including oversight of reporting obligations to governmental agencies.
practice areas
DelawarePennsylvaniaUnited States District Court for the Eastern District of PennsylvaniaUnited States District Court of Delaware